What Kind Of Animal Are You?
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What animal are you?

All humans are unique creatures and no two are alike, or are they? Well, the humans are different but we each fall into a specific personality trait that is compared to animals. Long ago I heard an analogy of the personalities of humans and how we relate to four different animals; the golden retriever, the beaver, the otter, and the lion. There was a test that you could take to see which personality trait you carried. Each person has traits from two different animals but only one of the animal traits is more dominent. You can carry traits from all four animals though. It was found in this study that it is prefered to have traits from all four with one being the dominant trait. You are considered "balanced" but most who participated in the study were found to only carry two more dominant with the remaining two only in slight amounts. I carry the traits of the otter and the lion but the otter is the more dominent animal trait. I also carry a small amount of the golden retreiver and the beaver but not to an extreme. Take a moment to read each animal trait to see which one you feel is your more dominent species. You should also see a bit of each animal trait in your personality.

  The Lion

The trait of the lion is pretty obvious to figure. A dominent person who must be right at all times, have things their way, someone who will NEVER ask for directions or read the instructions. These types of people have a hard time admitting when they are wrong and also have a hard time saying they are sorry. A good trait of a lion personality is they have a big heart, are kind and generous, and they know it!

 The Golden Retreiver

No this is not someone who has blonde hair! The golden retriever is found to be a very gentle animal. He is very laid back and relaxed. He is also extremely loyal. A person with this personality trait is found to dislike change and have a hard time adapting to it. They are also found to be a more passive person and don't like or handle confrontations very well. A person who carries this trait is also found to be very loyal to the family and sticks closer to home and enjoys it!

 The Otter

 Oh this trait is fun! A person carrying this trait is just so full of fun and fun ideas. Not liking the boring task of working a person possessing the otter trait is one who much prefers the fishing trips, shopping trips, and just anything in general that doesn't pertain to work. Now the otter is not necessarily lazy, it's just that work is not this persons strong suit. These types of people tend to be more spontanious with a more care free attitude. They do tend to start projects that are often left uncompleted so they can start another one that sounds so much better than the first. They are not usually very good at saving money or spending it wisely. There is never a "rainy day" because there is always something fun out there to occupy them.

 The Beaver

This little guys traits sound just like the animal itself. The beaver and anyone who possess the traits of the beaver are very dedicated to their work. They are often found to be more of a perfectionist with a lot of attention to details. They want to know why you do this, how do you do this, and what are the results. They are a more "fact based" person. The more facts the better. They enjoy working and sometimes are refered to as the "workaholic" and are almost total opposites to the otters. They tend to get things done and they are the ones who ask directions if they get lost. They are also known as the ones who read the intructions and have very few "spare" parts left over at christmas time. They also tend to have some cash stashed away for the "rainy day".

Now since you have read the traits, can you see just a bit of each in yourself or someone else? My dad and my stepmom are such total opposites but this is really a good thing. My dad is the otter (which happens to be the same as me) and my stepmom is the beaver. Obviously she hides the credit cards and he calls me a lot to go fishing and being the otter/lion that I am, I go. Because I possess just enough lion in my personality I go because I say it is the best thing for my otter personality to do. Now my husband (which is lucky for me) is a golden retriever. He is really laid back and tries to avoid confrontations. He pretty much goes along with just about any scheme my dad and I conjure up. We go easy on him and my stepmom by not forcing them to go along. It usually ends up more fun because they aren't miserable and we don't feel guilty for making them come along.

This is just some fun facts I thought you might enjoy. I will try to find the test as it is in more detail and makes it much easier to figure out which trait is your most dominant trait. By reading though it should be somewhat easier to tell. It is fun though to think and refer to yourself as an animal, unless you possess a lot of the beaver trait who really see no use in being refered to as an animal!

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